Web Development Hackathon 2022

28 February to 6th March

An exciting hackathon filled with workshops on HTML, CSS, Javascript, Advanced Javascript and Introduction to Git and Github held online!

About Event Schedule Prizes Judging Submissions

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đź“š About


Participants from all backgrounds, gender and experience levels are welcome as long as you are a student of Nanyang Polytechnic. There is no age restriction either. The hackathon is completely free. All you need to do is register for the event and join our LiT discord server.

Don't want to join the hackathon but want to join our workshops? Join via the registration link above! To join the hackathon, be there for our opening ceremony and submit your project!

Project Development

  • Most work should be done during the hackathon.
  • You may reuse code from previous projects for specific components. However, recycling an entire project or the majority of the project is not allowed.
  • Plagiarism of someone else’s code will result in disqualification.
  • Frameworks/libraries/open-source code can be used in your project, but remember to credit your sources appropriately in your write-up.
  • Any software are allowed as long as the programming language used is HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Participants’ Code Of Conduct

  • We do not tolerate harassment of hackathon participants in any form.
  • LiT is dedicated to providing a harassment-free event for everyone, regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, or coding experience level (or lack of the aforementioned).
  • You may not code anything that violates the code of conduct. For example, racially insensitive content in a website will be automatically disqualified.

đź“… Event Schedule

All Events via Google Meet and Discord

Day, Date Time Event and Details
Monday, 28th Feb 2pm HTML/CSS and Advanced CSS
Semantic HTML, Basic CSS styling and Advanced CSS with animations and media queries.
Tuesday, 1st March Basic Javascript
Conditionals, Functions, Types of arrays, Types of loops, Objects and more
Wednesday, 2nd March Advanced Javascript
Sets, Map, Type conversion, Arrow syntax, Asnyc await, Callbacks, Promises and dealing with APIs.
Thursday, 3rd March Introduction to Git and Github
How Git and Github works, branches, push, pull and initialising a repository.
Friday to Sunday, 4 to 6th March 12pm Opening Ceremony
Details of the event will be sent in Discord.
Submission closed!
Details of the event will be sent in Discord.
Sunday, 6th March 6pm Winners Announced!

🏆 Prizes

⚖️ Judging Criteria


  • How finished is the project?
  • Any broken components in the website?


  • How well does the website come together?
  • A good visual design is high quality, appropriate, and relevant for the audience. Your design does not have to be elaborate. Minimalistic designs can also be appropriate and appealing.
  • The appearance of a site is important in establishing its appeal. Your website’s use of color, space, graphics and layout should bear a consistent theme.


  • How complex is the project in terms of advanced Javascript and advanced CSS?
  • The use of APIs and different functions would help for complexity with Javascript.
  • The use of animations, media queries, sectors and loaders would help for complexity with CSS.


  • When considering creativity, we will examine whether your website is interesting and distinctive. Does your website design stand out?
  • Were there additional features added that were not taught in the workshops?

đź“ť Submissions